The Ghost of Futureman. This website contains the full package ready for production, the synopsis, the screenplay, the music, the characters, the budget, and the shooting schedule which would have to be rescheduled of course.
I am offering 1,000,000 dollars to anyone who can through their connections in the film industry bring this film to fruition, with a contingency contract completely legal. The budget was 85 million dollars before COVID, so it'll probably be 100 million. According to the screen writer's Guild the owner of the screenplay Copyright is to receive two and a half to 3 percent Of the budget, this money is paid above the line. This means the money is paid from the executive funding before the production begins. That's when you you would be paid. The contract would state that this would be considered a finders fee, payable to you when the deal is made. So if you know anyone who has the power to make this movie or you can get it to someone who does. Please, please pass it on. Even if you have to split the one million with somebody else to get it done... Thank you and God bless.